Portuguese Water Dogs
The third week of puppy life is off to a great start! They have discovered each other! They now play bite, bark, and growl at each other. All the pups are up and walking but they still resemble drunken sailors! They are also trying to run and pounce but usually only get a step or two before flopping! The change from newborns to mobile social puppies is underway! having trouble uploading the video: Please go to you tube – meadowstar Portuguese Water Dogs
Week two is very exciting. Day 15 brought the great escape from the whelping box. Day 16 we had sitting pups, and day 17 we starting getting some play. Day 18 we introduced food. Day 19 & 20 brought lots of vocalizations – barks, growls, and howls! Also lots of tail wagging going on.
Moose & Fiji puppies turned two weeks old on August 8th. Their eyes started opening on day 10 and are now fully open. Hot pink collar girl was the first to escape the whelping box! Fiji is being a great mom, and loves all her puppies!
Here are the delicious pictures of the dessert litter:
Use the right/left arrow buttons to scroll, or click on the image for a larger view.